Wednesday, January 19, 2011

what ever


welcome to nurul-siti's post..

before i start to the main point..i want to wish a happy birthday to my friend..pak he is celebrating his 20th birthday..may ALLAH bless u and happy always...@_@

Jan,1 lovely

my family n i had travelled to Alor Star which is 205 km from my house as my dad had received a wedding we arrived the bride's house...i was so shocked as i saw a bride...she is my friend and her father is my dad's best friend...
OMG....she's only 20 and already be a wife to a businessman..i really couldn't accept it..but i quickly realized that it is her destiny..and her husband looked so handsome..haha..

although we had spend almost three hours at her house but we had so lovely moment...i felt so happy to meet my friend as we had a lost contact for three and half  years..i wanted to stay besides her for a few more hours but we had to moved...hmm..

along our journey back to home..there were a few fruitstall...its so lovely as my dad stopped the car and went out to buy fruits..hehe..there were so many types of fruits and i was so excited because i love to eat fruits especially grapes and i was buzy chose the fruits..i heard some dialogue between my dad n fruit seller..

fruit seller : hello sir,what kind of fruits do you want?
dad          : those are it sweet n ripe?
fruit seller : please,you may try first.
dad          : all right,give me three much per kilo?
fruit seller : only fifteen ringgit
dad          : wow,that is too expensive!may i not haggle a little?
fruit seller : it is a reasonable price.
dad          : well,i want to buy three kilos if you want to sell it to me for ten ringgit per kilo..
fruit seller : all right..

haha..thats my dad...

just sat in the car without do anything was so read the book which the title is HOW TO WRITE AND GIVE A SPEECH  by Joan Detz..she is a speechwritter and speech coach and had the pleasure of working with many outstanding businesspeople..this book has helped me to speak better and i recommend this book to anyone..

"The basis of all motivation is communication.To be a successful communicator requires discipline,understanding, and verve" - James S.Todd,Executive Vice President,the American.

__the end___

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