Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do you think we should give monetary incentive to the KP2 students to motivate them to get better grades?

KP2 students is also known as students who get CGPA below than 2.0 in two times and will be suspended or known as FO which means Failed and Out when they get KP3.

From the issue above, I am totally disagree if the university wants to give monetary incentive to the KP2 students to motivate themselves to get better grades. For me, this is not the right way and it will even worsen them.

Firstly, they will spent the money in other way round and not in education area. Let imagine that we are the KP2 students. Do we want to spent them in the right way? My answer is no.Logically, I will enjoy with the money to release my stress about having KP2 position. 

Second, I think that the university administration is just wasting their money to give these students the money. It will resulted badly to the university back,if the students doesn't get better grades. Instead of giving monetary incentive to them, they can do motivation talk to them which will be better way. From the talk, they can get some spirit to improve themselves and knows what to do to have a better grades. So,this way is not wasting the admin's money and even benifits them

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