Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Educational Aspiration for 2011

People come and go. Love drop by a while and spread everywhere. Age changes as years change. Educational?it always be at our side at all time. 2011 has bring us a lot of aspiration, just to aim our target in our study.

From what Albert Einstein has said, we know that education helps us to be a man with value. We can be the country's asset,by developing and improve our country in all aspects. What we need right now is to choose the right way to be the best.

We agreed that laziness is the biggest problem in students' life. Therefore, we took a challenge to be hardworking to achieve our goal. Studying alone could be very bored, thus we build a group and study together. Perhaps it could rose down our 'laziness graph'. :)

As chemical engineering students, safety is the most important thing to take note. We work with chemicals, which need us to be careful at all time. All we want to do right now is to no more picking up the phone calls when conducting experiment, wears safety equipment needed and measure and calculate well to get the right result. We want to do more research and find out the detail reasons for a thing to happen.example: chemical reaction

"Latecomers are not allowed into the class". Okey,this is a serious thing in MICET. It can be worsen if students can be in bar list. So guys, keep

Lastly, educational aspiration can lead us to our future. What we aim is just to grad in high CGPA and have a good job. hihi :)


bites like frog...
0_o NAD o_0


  1. Of all which, the decision lies in your hands. Ever heard of the story of two sisters, a wise old woman and a butterfly?

  2. i only know Stephenie Meyer's novel..haha
