Thursday, March 24, 2011

why students must vote during the student election???

Students Role During Elections?
Like in a Presidential election?
Why we should vote them?
What they can do for us?

     Those questions always fly in student's mind. the best way to describe this practice is that voting is a RESPONSIBILITY of every student. Often there are more than enough candidate to fill certain position, so we must ensure that the best among the best are selected so that they can do their job well. Selecting a person with no good background might get all the students into trouble because they cannot present the idea from all student.they might come up with their own selfish idea.

    The candidate should be ready to give their full services to their voters. They must fulfill all their promises so that the student should votes wisely for a better future in the campus. 

Meanwhile, the Deputy President of Technopreneur and Student Affairs, Prof. Haji Ahmad Zahir Haji Mokhtar in his closing speech of the induction programme urged students to embrace good values in their daily life.
“As a leader we must have value system. Similarly if we want to be successful in life we must also have good values,” he said.

          So,students out there, vote fairly and make a best choice. (^_^*)

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