Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pathway to Success

              Firstly, I should congratulate to all of SPM’s candidates that have taken their results yesterday. For those who pass the exams  with flying colors, well done. Meanwhile for those who don’t, keep moving and don’t ever give up. You should felt proud of yourself as you have taken this important exams which helps you in your future. Guys, SPM is only the beginning, not the end of your life. You may have many ways to get succeed. So from now on, start thinking on your pathway to success.

              For those who are deciding  to further  your study in university or college, make sure that the course that you choose suits you well. If you dislike the course, you will hardly succeed in your study. Besides, you must consider your SPM result to your course. Make sure your result is able to obtain your course. You know where your abilities right? You can either  do diploma or make foundation studies or else go to matriculaton college. Next, choose the suitable university for furthering your study. For these, you can attend to seminars or carnivals on pursuing your studies.

              For those who wants to go in different ways, you may continue in Form 6 level or taking short-study in hand skills or else you may start with doing businesses too. If you felt that you are not interested in study and want to serve the country, you can enter the army units. For last option, you can find a job to gain many experience and to continue your life.

Thats all. I hope you may succeed in your life. Choose the right pathway as it will give you the best in your life. Best of luck!

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